Centtrip goes far beyond the single account = single card = single person model you get from other providers.
With our solutions, you can define the structure of users and approvers, as well as accounts and cards, to meet your needs.
For example:
A music tour manager can control cards for each of his road-crew while the management company or accountant back home has real-time reporting, alerts and control over everything that happens.
An arts company can have one account with 300 cards to pay per diems. And it can have approvers on tour and at home.
A film studio can open separate accounts for each of its film production projects. Local production companies can manage their own budgets (with cards to suit their needs), while the studio retains visibility and ultimate control.
A family office can have separate accounts for business, family and charitable activities. Or separate accounts for international assets like yachts, real estate or art works. Organisation-defined hierarchies mean that a family officer can immediately intervene to top up a family member’s multi-currency card, lock and empty a lost card, or convert and transfer funds for an international asset purchase.
Whichever way you work, however you manage your affairs, Centtrip can help.