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Centtrip in action

0754 GMT • London

Smooth Roast – GBP 4.50

Coffee and calm, before waking the band. On my own, on my phone. And, the Centtrip app. Double-check last night’s door monies are in the account. The dollar exchange rate looks good, convert to USD for the US leg.

Need more merchandise for the tour. Luckily, the supplier’s also on Centtrip: an easy, instant, no fee payment, $1,000.

Oh, and scan the coffee receipt for my expenses.

  • Manage multiple accounts with real-time reporting from the app.
  • Simple, international payments. Instant and fee-free on CenttripNow.
  • Scan and tag receipts for easy analysis.
0836 GMT • London

Holiday Inn – GBP 2,937.15

Check out. All rooms, and extras, settled on the Centtrip card. Richard (the band’s accountant) will see the transactions when he gets into the office and can start closing off the accounts for the European leg of the tour. He’ll also top up the US dollar balance on my card, as we start the US leg.

Mickey’s lost his card (again). Locked it instantly using the Centtrip app.

  • Highest card transactions limits on the market.
  • Hold up to £350,000 in 15 currencies on your card.
  • Instantly lock or unlock your card from the app.
0928 EST • The Atlantic

Batch payment – USD 1,400.00

God bless in-flight wi-fi! Laptop out and a last-minute change in itinerary. Next week’s Seattle gig will now be in Vancouver. Richard will switch some USD to CAD nearer the time.

Time to batch process per diems for the touring party. One click and everyone’s prepaid Centtrip card is topped up with their weekly allowance.

Oh, and Mickey was using his card as a book-mark. Unlocked (again).

  • Batch payments and accounting system integration.
  • Manage currencies at live-market rates.
1800 EST • New York

ATM – USD 1,000

Soundcheck. Flight was late. Late to venue. But a dash to the nearest ATM and additional, casual labour was hired. It’s a tour manager’s job to think ahead, anticipate problems and deal with the unexpected.

The world can’t always wait for a phone call – especially across time zones – but Centtrip’s high balance and transaction limits make handling obstacles or opportunities nice and simple.

Besides, Richard gets grumpy if he doesn’t get a good night’s sleep.

  • Withdraw up to £4,000 from ATMs worldwide.
  • High transaction limits empower people on the road.
0055 EST • New York

Rainbow Room – USD 750.00

The gig was a resounding success! Impromptu after-party. Unexpected bar bill. But a fantastic kick-off for the US tour.

Oh, and I did the day’s expense report in the hotel room afterwards. Scanned receipts and real-time reporting keep it simple and ensure nothing gets missed.

Started advancing the Canadian dates. Paid a deposit on PA rental for the Vancouver gig using Canadian dollars we held from the last tour.

  • Avoid unnecessary costs by holding multiple currencies in your account.
  • Low, fair and transparent rates put you in control of your multicurrency balances.

Your trusted partner

Extension of your team

Your dedicated account manager and FX consultant are on hand and available for day-to-day support and specialist services.

Tailored fee structure

We provide fair and transparent pricing that is both clear and competitive. All fees are guaranteed, fixed and tailored to your specific needs and budget.

Unrivaled expertise

We understand your industry and your business and have experts in banking, payments, foreign exchange, wealth management, compliance and technology.

Trust and transparency

We believe in long-lasting relationships based on trust and work with you to create a tailored approach to managing your expenditure, payments and foreign exchange.

Award-winning technology

Our multi-currency account, card and app are built on innovative API-driven technology which has won multiple global tech awards.

Your security is our highest priority

Authorised and regulated by the FCA we adhere to strict protocols to maintain best-in-class compliance procedures and ensure total security of your finances and data.

What our clients say

“Our clients are leaders in their fields – world-renowned artists and athletes. When we were looking for help with foreign-exchange and international payments we went to a company at the top of their game. Centtrip really stood out to us because they understood our needs and those of our clients, and they offered exactly what was needed and more. Their multi-currency platform enabled us to access live markets, saving money and time.”

Charles Bradbrook, Partner, SRLV Accountants

“Centtrip consistently delivers tangible financial savings by providing detailed market insight and helping us maximise each foreign currency transaction we make.”

Bill Curbishley, Trinifold Management (The Who)

“We use Centtrip a lot. We use it like a bank, for currency conversions and as a payment platform. The exchange rates we get with Centtrip are a massive benefit for touring artists.”

Lloyd Quilty, Director, SRLV Accountants

“It’s fantastic to be able to buy and manage multiple currencies from one account. We use Centtrip for all our international payments and touring expenses management, saving us significant time and money. And with direct access to live markets we are no longer subjected to any hidden fees.”

Ian McAndrew, Wildlife Entertainment (Arctic Monkeys)

“Unfair FX charges and rates have been a bugbear of ours for a long time and Centtrip has delivered what the music industry really needs. We operate in a global marketplace and need to be able to switch between currencies and transfer our earnings without incurring ridiculous fees.”

Tim Clark, Director at ie:music (Robbie Williams)


Explore our latest insights and resources to support your international payments needs.

AEI Group makes royalties rapid, reliable and cost-effective

"The biggest benefit of using Centtrip is efficiency. It makes our whole month-end royalty run stress-free. It frees up a vast amount of our time and the artists are getting their money straight away."

Johnny Evans, Group CFO, AEI

How to develop your currency strategy

How much do exchange rate movements affect your business? Possibly, more than you imagine. Our new free Centtrip guide can help you to manage your business exposure to foreign exchange rate risk.

11 ways to help your artists best manage their money

As an artist’s business manager or accountant, how can you ensure they’re best placed for an efficient recovery, on stage, in the studio or back in the office? Our free, new guide, 11 Ways to Help Your Artists Best Manage Their Money, can help.

Staying on top of tour costs

Successful touring – beyond the roar of adoring crowds – often comes down to smart cost management. Read how Centtrip supports the world’s top touring artists.

How to support international touring artists

“Centtrip really understood our needs and those of our clients. Their technology enabled us to access live markets, saving everyone time and money.”

Charles Bradbrook, Partner, SRLV

Cooking Vinyl saves time and money on payments with Centtrip

“There are three main benefits of using Centtrip: the admin, the cost and the currency trading. In a world where royalties are becoming more complex, Centtrip makes things simpler.”

Suzanne Lachapelle, Finance Director, Cooking Vinyl

Centtrip app screenshots

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